How to build a customer support chat on a website?

Discover the best practices for building an effective customer support chat and learn how to manage customer queries in real-time.

Building a customer support chat on your website is essential to providing a seamless customer experience. Here's a simple step-by-step guide to get you started.

  1. Choose a chat platform: You can use third-party chat software like Serviceform, LiveChat, or Zendesk.
  2. Integrate the chat platform with your website: You can either embed the chat pixel code on your website or use a plugin for popular website builders like WordPress or Shopify.
  3. Customise the chat widget: Ensure you match your chat widget with your website design, add a welcome message, and configure the chat settings such as working hours, language, and routing rules.
  4. Train your chatbot: Make sure to train it with common customer queries and responses. Test the chatbot regularly and refine its responses based on customer feedback.
  5. Provide human support: It's important to have a human support team available to handle live chat queries. Make sure to train your support team on using the chat software and responding to customer enquiries.

By following these steps, you can build a customer support chat on your website that's efficient, personalised, and helps you build strong relationships with your customers. Start today with Serviceform's freemium plan for live chat and offer your customers the best possible support experience.

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