April 19, 2024

Top 10 Chatbot for Education Use Cases in 2024

Looking for a ChatGPT alternative in education? Learn about the many chatbot use cases for the industry and see the difference for yourself.
Time to read: 
3 min
Nimesha Buvanendran
Looking for a ChatGPT alternative in education? Learn about the many chatbot use cases for the industry and see the difference for yourself.


Education is constantly adapting to keep pace with emerging trends. 

In today's digital world, where millennials and Gen Z engage with chatbots on a daily basis, harnessing the power of a chatbot for education is an undeniably effective approach.

Despite its increasing popularity, a ChatGPT alternative is something institutions worldwide are actively exploring given how new the AI platform still is. Today’s chatbot for education has become a kind of sidekick to students, giving relevant and valuable assistance throughout their student journey. That’s not something you’ll find from ChatGPT!

But chatbot use cases in education go beyond just supporting students. They contribute significantly to streamlining administrative tasks within institutions and supporting lecturers in their teaching. 

That’s why below I've gathered a treasure trove of creative and user-friendly chatbot use cases just for you. So get ready to discover the extraordinary potential of today’s chatbot for education!

Chatbot for education use case #1: Search for relevant courses 

Students consider things like duration, price, available course modules, and more before making a decision on registering. But diving into the endless sea of offers on a website can quickly become daunting.

This is where the friendliness of today’s chatbot for education comes to the rescue, making student course finding an enjoyable experience.

Education chatbot use cases extend beyond just course finding and answering FAQs, the chatbot for education actually listens, supporting and guiding students on their educational journey.

Serviceform’s Chatbot working its magic makes for an incredible ChatGPT alternative. It has the power to smartly narrow down course options. Engaging in friendly conversation, the chatbot discovers the needs, goals, and preferences unique to each student. 

Chatbot for education use cases: EU Business School uses Serviceform’s Chatbot to help students find relevant courses
Chatbot for education use cases: EU Business School uses Serviceform’s Chatbot to help students find relevant courses

Chatbot for education use case #2: New student registration 

The next step with chatbot use cases is helping students register with your institution.

In the hustle of an academic year, universities are bombarded with applications. This means administrative staff sift through a pool of applicants – which can be time-consuming.

But with the help of a chatbot for education, you can transform this registration process into a smooth one. Students can now instantly and easily register with your institution. Chatbot use cases like this make for an exciting ChatGPT alternative that streamlines the enrollment process.

But that's not all. Take it a step further by integrating your chatbot for education with a CRM

This combination ensures student leads are sent directly to the database, eliminating manual data management efforts. You can then set up instant email triggers so students get an informative email once they register. This is the start of their journey with your institution.

Chatbot for education use cases: Ubiqum’s chatbot registers new students
Chatbot for education use cases: Ubiqum’s chatbot registers new students

Chatbot for education use case #3: Provide course recommendations

Students need guidance before choosing their educational path. That's where a chatbot for education comes in as an interactive companion, ready to assist and give valuable advice based on student interests.

For example, suppose there's a student who has an interest in marketing but is unsure which field really to pursue. The chatbot interacts with the student and questions them about their interests, ambitions, and current knowledge level. Based on this conversation, the chatbot for education recommends suitable courses. If the student shows an inclination towards managing social media accounts, the chatbot might suggest a pay-per-click course. On the other hand, if the student expresses a desire to explore organic marketing, the chatbot recommends an SEO course.

These chatbot use cases not only provide personalised guidance but also serve as a bona fide ChatGPT alternative.

Chatbot for education use cases: Hofmann provides course recommendations by asking students simple questions 
Chatbot for education use cases: Hofmann provides course recommendations by asking students simple questions 

Chatbot for education use case #4: Anytime, anywhere student support 

Answering FAQs is one of the most essential and widely utilised chatbot use cases. In this way, a chatbot for education is an effective ChatGPT alternative.

With an education chatbot, students have access to a 24/7 help desk that provides instant responses and support whenever needed.

Imagine a student studying late at night, needing clarification on an assignment or seeking guidance on a particular topic. Instead of feeling lost or frustrated, they can simply reach out to the chatbot, confident that they'll receive prompt and accurate assistance.

No matter the time or place, the chatbot stands ready to assist students with their queries. The chatbot for education offers a wide range of chatbot use cases, making it a trustworthy, and easily accessible source of information for students.

Chatbot for education use cases: Probanza Nautical School uses a chatbot to answer customer enquiries
Chatbot for education use cases: Probanza Nautical School uses a chatbot to answer customer enquiries

Chatbot for education use case #5: Self-module assessment quiz 

One of the more creative chatbot use cases is an interactive feature that allows students to assess their own knowledge. Imagine completing a course module and embarking on a self-assessment journey facilitated by the chatbot for education! 

The chatbot can be programmed to ask thought-provoking questions related to the module. Students reflect on their knowledge and provide answers, gaining insights into their progress and identifying areas where they may need additional assistance or further exploration.

This interaction alone makes it a strong ChatGPT alternative. It serves as a powerful means to build stronger connections with students. This innovative example of chatbot use cases is revolutionising today’s student learning experience, making it more engaging, personalised, and impactful. Students no longer feel like passive recipients of information but active participants in their own educational journey.

The data collected through the chatbot for education can then be added to the student’s profile. This information is useful in creating a personalised learning experience, tailored to the specific needs and preferences of the student. 

Chatbot for education use case #6: Assignment portal 

Ever heard or come across chatbot use cases where chatbots are dedicated assignment portals?

Students simply upload and submit their assignments through the chatbot for education, saving them the trouble of navigating a multistep submission system.

The beauty of a chatbot for education lies in its simplicity and effectiveness. The chatbot seamlessly collects and organises all assignments, sending them directly to the backend. This eliminates potential disruptions or a system overload caused by the sudden influx of last-minute submissions.

By leveraging the power of ChatGPT alternative chatbot use cases, you can create a stress-free assignment submission process that benefits both students and the institution. No more worrying about technical glitches or missed deadlines, students confidently submit their work, knowing it will reach the right place and person.

Chatbot for education use case #7: Study guides and tips 

Let's take a trip down memory lane back to the 90s, where a small screen widget in Microsoft software was a familiar sight. It gave valuable tips for those using Microsoft Office, helping users quickly become pros.

Now imagine chatbot use cases where your website could have a personal assistant just like that. Because that's exactly what a chatbot for education brings to the table. Trained with a wealth of study tips, coursework guides or syllabi, and student life hacks, it becomes not only a fantastic ChatGPT alternative but also a kind of wisdom wizard.

Chatbot use cases like this are an invaluable addition to your website. It bridges the gap between your institution and students, fostering stronger relationships. Students can easily interact with the chatbot, receive valuable tips, and enhance their study experience.

Chatbot for education use cases: Antin Autokoulu provides study guides through the chatbot
Chatbot for education use cases: Antin Autokoulu provides study guides through the chatbot

Chatbot for education use case #8: Career guidance and job placement 

Similar to how a chatbot for education assists students in finding the perfect course, relevant chatbot use cases also include offering career guidance and aiding in job placement. 

The ability to provide valuable career advice based on a student's grades, chosen course, aspirations, and desired career path makes it a valuable ChatGPT alternative. By serving as a virtual career advisor, it becomes a reliable and accessible resource for students seeking guidance on their career path.

A chatbot for education even assists students with interview preparation by sharing tips, holding mock interviews, and giving feedback. The chatbot’s interactive nature and real-time support make it an invaluable tool for students looking to enhance their job readiness skills.

Moreover, the chatbot streamlines job fair registrations by allowing students to conveniently register for upcoming events. These chatbot use cases eliminate unnecessary barriers and ensures students have direct access to exciting job opportunities.

Chatbot for education use case #9: Register for a new course 

Signing up for a new course is undoubtedly one of the most popular chatbot use cases. With the help of a chatbot for education, students can quickly input their information and personal details, then register for courses.

No longer do students need to navigate multiple webpages to gather course information. These chatbot use cases make the chatbot for education an exceptional ChatGPT alternative.

To enhance the new course experience, the chatbot can even embed videos or infographics about the course. Students access these resources within the chatbot!

Also, a chatbot for education allows you to gather valuable feedback and reviews from students, enabling you to continuously improve your student onboarding process. Instant reviews provide raw insights that can drive actionable website enhancement.

Chatbot for education use cases: EduCluster Finland uses Serviceform’s Chatbot to interact with students
Chatbot for education use cases: EduCluster Finland uses Serviceform’s Chatbot to interact with students

Chatbot for education use case #10: Finding the tutor 

Finding tutors is an often overlooked yet valuable example of chatbot use cases. With the assistance of a chatbot for education, students can easily discover the perfect tutor to support their learning journey.

The chatbot acts as a helpful guide, allowing students to filter and select for the best tutor based on factors like availability, course specialisation, and more. Whether they need help with a specific subject or seek additional guidance, the chatbot seamlessly connects them with the most suitable tutor.

The chatbot also simplifies the tutor-finding experience, ensuring that students receive personalised support to excel in their studies. Leveraging chatbot use cases like this enhances the learning experience and fosters a strong tutor-student connection.

With the chatbot for education as a ChatGPT alternative, students can receive instant responses, tailored recommendations, and even access additional information or resources related to available tutors. 

Chatbot for education use cases: Create a tutor-matching service chatbot from our template
Chatbot for education use cases: Create a tutor-matching service chatbot from our template

Which chatbot for education use case is most relevant to you?

There’s a wide range of chatbot use cases available to explore and utilise based on your institution and goals, among other things. Beyond being a lead generation tool, a chatbot for education like Serviceform’s Chatbot has proved an outstanding ChatGPT alternative that’s enhancing website overall experiences. 

Chatbots engage potential students, convert them into leads, and nurture them for long-term student satisfaction. Implementing the above chatbot use cases will establish your institution as a trusted leader (and maybe even pioneer) in your industry, positioning you as well as your students for success.

I highly recommend starting today with Serviceform's forever-free DIY plan, which lets you experiment with our Chatbot and learn. Also, we provide a library of over 500 templates to help you in any chatbot use case.

Feel free to explore our resources on the 7 types of chatbots and the top 10 best chatbot builder software in 2023 to learn more about the world of chatbots. Or you can return to our chatbot main page and indulge in some captivating chatbot reading!

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