The best email signature software for company email signature

Do you have 50+ employees and want to easily set up consistent company email signatures for everyone? Do you want to make bulk changes to every employee’s email signature to advertise new promotional campaigns and product launches?

No-code builder
Set up in 30 seconds
No credit card required
Bulk company email signature creation and editing

Email signature software for the whole company

No more stressing over employee email signatures looking both unprofessional and inconsistent. Create one standardised email signature that fits your company’s branding, font, and language in a few easy steps:

  • Make a standardised email signature
  • Send to all employees in one click
  • Empower employees with their own personalised edits
  • Add the email signature to Gmail or Microsoft Outlook

As the administrator, you can also make company-wide changes and updates to employee email signatures with our team signature setting.

Create a free email signature
Our team

Add important information to your company email signature

With our Email signature software, you can make consistent company email signatures for 1,000+ employees. Follow a simple and templated structure to add:

  • Your profile image
  • Contact details like email, website, phone number etc.
  • Social media links
  • Your calendar booking button
  • A dynamic promotional banner
Create a free email signature
Our team
Dynamic banner and dynamic link

Use the same email signature to generate leads

Serviceform Email signature software’s dynamic banner is a first-of-a-kind feature letting you change your banner and its link dynamically – even for emails that have been sent a long time ago. 

For example, the leads you sent that Christmas promotion to can now see you have an ongoing Valentine’s promotional campaign by the message's updated email signature.

Email signature software with statistics tracking

So your team sends hundreds of emails every week. Want to know how many people are viewing their email signatures? Or click on the email signature's dynamic banner?

These are statistics you can track with Serviceform’s Email signature software: email signature view, website link click, booking button link click, banner link click, and social media link click.

Create a free email signature
Our team

Email signature software with a calendar booking button

Book more meetings through your company's email signature with a fancy booking button. Simply add your calendar link so email recipients can easily book a meeting right there from the email while you still have their attention.

Don’t have a personal calendar link yet? Make a free one with our meeting scheduling software.

Create a free email signature
Our team


Unlimited active events

Responsive customer support

Free chatbot template library

No-code website chatbot builder

Meeting and appointment booking chatbot

Chatbot with Stripe payment integration

File upload in website chatbot

Dynamic chatbot for content personalization

AI Chatbots

Lead routing

Try the website conversion tools we created for your website.

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“Within six months, we were able to increase our lead generation by 100+ leads every month. It's very easy and convenient, the people are nice, you’ll get answers super fast whenever you need help. The results are good, so try them.”
Olli Pohjonen