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Serviceform is designed for individual professionals as well as a variety of service industries, including real estate, automotive, education, e-commerce, hospitality (hotels and restaurants) and more. It’s perfect for any business that's looking for multiple-point generate and convert leads. It allows companies to manage, teams, customers and leads all-in-one platform.
While most of our customers are from the real estate and automotive industry our software is suitable for a business in auny industry, and ofany scale that's willing to grow online.
You can connect Serviceform with more than 5000 apps using our native zapier integration. We also have native integrations for top platforms like Hubspot, Pipedrive and Microsoft on our platform
Yes, our services are customisable to better serve your specific requeirements. Just let our team know what you need and we'll deliver it to you.
With Serviceform you'll be getting a dedicated account manager if you're going with any plan except the DIY package.
Yes, we offer a 10% commission to our partners for every successful referral. Plus, the customers you refer will also receive a 10% discount on their purchase. It’s a win-win for both you and your network!